Saturday, August 12

Going to the Big Pink Taco

That is going to be the official name of the Arizona Cardinals new stadium. I had the pleasure of going to the first game in the stadium. My god-mother let me have her ticket because they were playing my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers. The stadium is pretty nice. It has retractable roof and a retractable playing field. It is very state of the art. Make sure you take your credit card if you want to buy something for the concession stand. Unlike Brazil where a beer was $1.30, these are about $7.00. Food is ok. The game was kind of Steelers only played their starters for a one series....the Cardinals kept theirs in for about a quarter and half. Seems like they did not want to lose their first game in the stadium and they did not. Cardinals fans were bragging because they beat the champs...I was like this is preseason...and at the end of the game no one was handing out trophies, confetti was not raining down, and no one was making a "I am going to Disney World" commercial....ROFLMAO

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