Sunday, September 17

Anne Huis Openhartig (Anne Frank's House)

Amsterdam, Netherlands.....the history person in me just had to see this. We were in Amsterdam for a day and my No. 1 priority was to see this house. It is kind of eerie when you walk in and see where this little girl and her family hid for almost 2 years. Going up the steep stairs behind the bookcase (for the historically challenged....her family and friends secret hiding place was behind a bookcase in her father's former business). The stairs are very steep, its almost like you are walking up a ladder. Her father was the only one to survive and he wanted the house preserved like it was back then. So there has been no added new furniture or fixing of anything. It was truly a significant historical adventure.

I wish I could of taken pictures inside but this was strictly forbidden. Did not want to get thrown in a Dutch prison. But the memories are etched in my head for all of eternity.

The sad part is that almost 1/2 of the people I talk to, did not know who Anne Frank was.........people should pick up a book sometime. But maybe this was not required reading for everyone.

Saturday, September 16

Pass The Dutchie From the Left Hand Side

I was trying to decided if I was going to call this post "Red Light District" from the TLC song or the title that I decided on in the display. But walking down the streets of Amsterdam, I had to go with the title that I supplied. If you are into drugs especially weed, this is the place to be. They actually have menus for the different types of drugs that you can buy. Anything from weed to heroin. You can smoke from a joint, blunt, or a bong. Now me, I dont indulge in those types of pleasure....but for the curious minds.....some smoke cost you about 6 to 8 Euros. The person I was with said that had the street value of about $80. People smoke in the coffe houses on the streets, everywhere. I think I got sick smelling weed after a while.
The other reason why a lot of tourist come to Amsterdam is because of the Red Light District. Not only can you get drugs in the red can buy pleasure there also. When you enter the district....they actually have red you know where you are. There are about 200+ women in windows with redlights trying to get you to come in. You get to see all types...big, white, asian, etc. Its almost like window pun intended. Amsterdam is not the cleaniest city that I have ever visited. There is trash every where.
Other than that....I had the pleasure of visiting the Anne Frank House...see post of aboove. Also got a chance to partake in the Heineken Experience. You get to see how Heineken was made and you get to interact with some games. They also give you tokens for 3 beers while you are there. You can get more from families who are there but don't drink.
Overall, Amsterdam was OK. It was a place I wanted to see but would not probably go back unless a group of people wanted to go. Not much food to write about...they eat pretty much meat and potatoes.
Tidbit about Heineken
Each of the Heineken President added a special feature to the label. Can't remember his name, but one of the Heineken guys added the smiling e on the label. If you look at the will see that the e is kind of it is smiling.

Friday, September 15

Top Of The Morn To You Laddie

Visited Glasgow (for the geographically challenged, its in Scotland) while on my adventure around the world. Not much to write about it. I was there a total of about 6 hours. I was able to go see the rolling hills of Scotland. It was raining, damp, and gloomy. Not I see why the Scots are so pale....they get no sun at all. By the way, they actually talk like that.

Sunday, September 3

Our Deepest Fears.......

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others.

By Marianne Williamson
This Poem is sometimes attributed to Nelson Mandela but its by Ms. Williamson, Nelson used it in his inaugural speech.