Saturday, July 29

Sagrada Familia Church

Sagrada Familia Church is located in Barcelona, Spain. This church was built in 1882 by Antoni Gaudi (1852 - 1926). As you can see the church is still being built. They don't expect church to be finished for at least another 50 years. There are many interpretations of his orginal plans. As we walked through the chuch, workers were still working on the building and there were materials roped off everywhere.

This church is amazing. In the front entrance, there are carvings in marble of Jesus from his birth to ressurrection. There are many other carvings in the building. On one side of the church is a square box with numbers in it, if you add the numbers up...up, down, across, or diagonally they add up to 33...for 33 years of Christ's life. The church depends strictly on private donations and entry fees, that's why its taking so long to be built.

Can you imagine a church in the USA taking almost 200 years to be built. Its amazing, I hope that I am around in 50 years so that I can see the finished product.

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