Saturday, May 24

We Are Jazz'd You're Here

The sign above the corridor in New Orlean's airport said it all "We are jazzed you're here"; I was jazzed that I was there again. The city that I had been to twice on two festive occasions. The first time was when Indiana won the National title in basketball in '87. And the second time for spring break. Each time I had a ball. Sippin' on Hurricanes...that we could call slurricanes....and eating crawfish, gumble, and numerous po'boys.

Why did it feel so eerie walking through a somewhat empty airport at 9 0'clock at night. I can swear that my plane was somewhat full. But it seemed like I was the only one walking down the corridor. I did not know what to expect. I had not been to New Orleans since the early 90's and now I was coming here post-Katrina. The people did not seemed to have that come party with us and you are about to have the time of your life look on their face that I remembered back in the day.

There were so many questions or things I wondered about? How would the French Quarter look? Would it be weird walking through a city were so many passed away because our government failed to react fast enough. The people were just as friendly, dressed just as wild, and still had that New Orleans flare. But things did not seem the same, the pep in their step and even the tourist step were gone. The excitement wasn't as exciting, and the entertainment just was not as entertaining. But the food was still good and the humidity could choke a desert boy like me and make me sweat like a pig. I guess New Orleans will one day have that jazzy feeling that it gave me back in the day....but until that day comes...I still will go there because their po'boys are still the best.

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