Saturday, June 21

Republican Baby All The Way

Link to video:

I was trying to figure out how I would vote in this upcoming election. I was thinking do I really want to get back to the America that I envisioned when I was young, an America of rich ideals, values, patriotism, and loved around the world. After I saw this video (thanks Kamara) my choice has become more clear. I decided to vote Republican!!!!

I live in Arizona and it's a republican state and one of our own is the nominee. My vote will not count anyway if I vote for Obama, so why waste it (it will only go toward the popular vote). God, you have to love this Arcadian system their fore fathers set up. Really an electoral college, that was good idea from 1789 to 1910....but not any more (if you are historically challenge and don't why it was set up that way, read a book or search the web...I am not a history teacher)....and yes, I definitely know.

I kind of like paying $4.25+ a gallon of gas, hey I make a lot of money...might as well give it back to those who need it (the oil companies). Hey, I live 8 miles from work...everyone should live closer to their jobs. I have no problem telling people that I am from the Bahamas when I go over seas (you should hear my Bahamian accent, probably sounds more Jamaican). Come on, do you really have a problem with the government being able to hold you in prison and not tell you why.....hey if it makes me feel safer, who am I to want civil liberties. I kind of like that air puffer machine at the airport.....that air going all through my body....I think I almost came once (but that's another story). All to see if I am carry crack (or blowing between my crack) or some bomb making material. A wise man once said (or not so wise) that when people get scared, they are willing give up their civil liberties or freedom.....hmm makes absolutely great sense to me. Why should we not beat up on other countries (only the strong survives) and that's what bullies do. If they want to beat us up...they need to get stronger...sometimes you have to sacrifice a couple to save a thousand for no apparent least gas is cheaper....oh wait it's not. I loved the fact that my cousin came back from Iraq with messed up skin, well at least he made it back, he needed some scars on his body....he thought he was too cute anyway.

So this year, for the sake of no change...higher gas prices, more guns, less prayer, more wars, more bulliesnism (I made that up), and more separation for the rest of the world, vote republican as I am and you should. By the way, a gallon of gas is still cheaper then a gallon of Starbuck's coffee.....and no one complaining about check out the video and you will vote republican also.

Click on the red hyper links in the message to see video

The views and opinions stated is this post are not supported by Greg or blogspot and its affiliates. These views are strictly comical and for your enjoyable pleasure. Any other content or context you take them in are strictly your own personal views. If you not have a sense of humor and cant laugh at the world....well that's not our problem. My name is Greg and I approve this message/post. Paid for my the people who really are not voting Republican

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